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1. November Third Grade Homework Spent the beginning of the week with a goal in mind, FINISH November homework for those third grade kiddos. I remember this time last year I was just thinking about a way to make homework a little less painful for my group of kids. Now, almost a year a later, […]

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1. Building Vocabulary Have you heard of a CCD before? I was inspired to write all about this great strategy for building vocabulary within your classroom. I tried to break it all down so that you could start using it in your classroom right away and even included a freebie!     Iā€™m talking all […]

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I’ve been keeping a secret for a while now. I’ve known that today was going to be a bittersweet day for months. I’ve slowly been preparing for it week after week, picking up and packing up here and there. I was finally brave enough to tell my students just last week. This morning I finally […]

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1. Looking Good Laugh Eat Learn has a brand new look! It’s been a work in progress for a couple of weeks now and still a work in progress. As I continue to work on the final touches, I can’t help but welcome the simplistic overhaul to my little home away from home. In all […]

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I get so much done in my home office it’s almost like my second home! It’s the place I’m most focused and engaged in creating. If you were to ask my boyfriend, he would probably say I spend TOO much time in there. ;] Looking for office inspiration? Pin it to save! Most of you […]

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It’s been an amazingly long time since I’ve done a Friday post. As I’m relaxing by the fire with my boyfriend near by and The 100 in the background, I thought why not! 1. 4 Years Down! Jonathan and I are celebrating our 4 year anniversary in Seaside, Oregon this week! I had Monday and […]

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