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🚨 time is running out 🚨 to make sure your newsletters are in compliance to 2024 regulations starting feb 1st. 

Stay ahead of Google and Yahoo changes. Don't ignore these changes, they apply to everyone who does email marketing – secure your setup today!



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Optimize, protect, and relax: Explore the benefits of Worry-Free Maintenance today!

Let’s all admit that December can be crazy in your classroom, am I right? Between trying to make sure you get everything checked off before break, working on grades, assignments, etc., trying to keep your classroom management in tact for a few more weeks/days, the last thing on your mind if planning something fun. I’m […]

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This morning Jonathan and I decided we needed to start a new tradition and it revolved completely around this breakfast casserole. You know it’s a keeper if we keep making noises with each bite and we talk about making this with our future kids! Looking to start a new tradition? Pin it to save! The […]

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