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🚨 time is running out 🚨 to make sure your newsletters are in compliance to 2024 regulations starting feb 1st. 

Stay ahead of Google and Yahoo changes. Don't ignore these changes, they apply to everyone who does email marketing – secure your setup today!



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With back to school in full swing (Washington kiddos just went back to school last week), all the teachers I know are running around trying to find the best way to use their time, get to know your new class, and get some academics in. My back to school writing crafts are the perfect way […]

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Back to school is probably one of my favorite times of the year. It’s crazy busy and can be, at times, very stressful, but you have a renewed energy after the summer break. I look forward to getting all the things together for my new students #targettrip, meeting them at the door for the first […]

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Emojis have become one of my favorite forms of communication. 😎 I know that probably isn’t the best way of communication for someone who speaks through text almost all the time with her clients, let alone a teacher, but I can’t lie, they are just fun! They make me happy! 🙂 When I first started working […]

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I remember when I first started my teaching program and all the conversations revolved around parent communication and connections. I heard phrases like “home to school connection” and “parent involvement” without really knowing, at the time, what that truly meant. When we talked about newsletters within my college courses, I would always think “it sounds […]

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Last week was my first week in my new school teaching 6th-8th ELL students. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I never thought I would ever teach in middle but I’m actually loving it. I’m very happy about my hard decision I made at the end of last year. But all in all, […]

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With back to school just around the corner, I figured I would gather some tips, tricks, and a great freebie for you to get ready for the year! These are all things I use personally in my classroom and stand behind that ALWAYS make my year a tad bit smoother. Getting ready for back to school? […]

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