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🚨 time is running out 🚨 to make sure your newsletters are in compliance to 2024 regulations starting feb 1st. 

Stay ahead of Google and Yahoo changes. Don't ignore these changes, they apply to everyone who does email marketing – secure your setup today!



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Use HOLIDAY24 at checkout to save. Offer expires Nov. 19th at 11:59 PM PST. 

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Optimize, protect, and relax: Explore the benefits of Worry-Free Maintenance today!

With conferences just around the corner, I really wanted my students to take charge and practice good goal setting skills. I wanted them to be able to independently express their reflections on their work and set appropriate goals based off of the reflections. Our district runs our conferences strictly as student led with their parents. […]

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I remember when I first started my teaching program and all the conversations revolved around parent communication and connections. I heard phrases like “home to school connection” and “parent involvement” without really knowing, at the time, what that truly meant. When we talked about newsletters within my college courses, I would always think “it sounds […]

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Have you heard of these amazing communication/take home folders? No matter what acronym you use {and trust me there are MANY! Here is a site of a whole list of them}, they are great tools for students, parents and you to build that home/school connection! Ready to get your folders together? Pin it to save! […]

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I've been away this summer so here is a look into what I've been doing!

That is the question of the hour! I have been INSANELY busy since I got back from my wonderful (and much needed) vacation/camping trip. We all had a fantastic time out there. The lake was beautiful and I enjoyed the peaceful relaxing time with my family! I also spend some extra time driving back and […]

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