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End of Year Reflections


Today is the last day of school. It's a wrap! I can't believe I survived a year in intermediate with a split grade level, testing madness, beginning common core and switching to a new grade book.
Today is the last day of school. It’s a wrap! I can’t believe I survived a year in intermediate with a split grade level, testing madness, beginning common core and switching to a new grade book. I’m a very reflective person so when I saw others writing about it, I knew I needed to jump on this bandwagon! Join me below with your own reflections!

What worked in my classroom…

Today is the last day of school. It's a wrap! I can't believe I survived a year in intermediate with a split grade level, testing madness, beginning common core and switching to a new grade book.
1. Student Take Home Folders: This is my 2nd year having BEE (Bring Everything Everyday) take home folders in my classroom. I’m a little OCD when it comes to keeping things organized so I absolutely love teaching my students to be this way! One change I’ll be making is changing the acronym to STAR.. Students That Are Responsible. Read more about how I use these here.

2. Interactive Journals: This was my first year with interactive journals and I really enjoyed it! I loved seeing my students using their journals to help continue their learning. Next year I’m for sure going to make sure I am strategically planning my lessons based around their INBs.

Today is the last day of school. It's a wrap! I can't believe I survived a year in intermediate with a split grade level, testing madness, beginning common core and switching to a new grade book.
Read more about this process here.

3. Dojo Dollars: I’ve used Class Dojo ever since I’ve become a teacher, I’m a full supporter of the application (and so are my kiddos!) This year I implemented classroom money to go alongside my dojo. The kids absolutely loved the money system! Here is more about how I use this money in my classroom!

What needs some re-thinking…

1. Homework Check-In: This year I used Kristine’s Homework Hotspot and implemented a Homework Club for students to continue to be in if they did their homework two weeks straight. Although this worked the entire year, I never was able to let the students control the homework checking and it became one extra thing for me to do. Also, I had the kids have to remind me about giving prizes for staying in the homework club every other week.

Today is the last day of school. It's a wrap! I can't believe I survived a year in intermediate with a split grade level, testing madness, beginning common core and switching to a new grade book.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how I want homework to run next year and I’ve come to the decision that I’m going to try doing their homework in the INBs nightly, have monthly themed reading logs and start doing punch cards as their reward for doing the homework! Hopefully it will work out! Update.. Instead of in their INBs, I ended up going with half sheet packets, read more about it here.

Today is the last day of school. It's a wrap! I can't believe I survived a year in intermediate with a split grade level, testing madness, beginning common core and switching to a new grade book.
Let’s  have this not happen again please… Well the coffee can but not the stack of grading and standards leftover!

2. Grading Pacing/Schedule: I hate grading, who’s with me?! Hate it! But as a teacher, it’s something I HAVE TO DO. So, I’m going to try to stay positive and next year I need to create a pacing guide to getting the grading done and putting into our grade book system. I’m thinking every Monday & Wednesday is grading time during my planning and Fridays will be the inputting days. Do you have any suggestions??

3. Classroom Website: I need to create a classroom website. Period. Everyone knows me as the techy girl and I don’t have a classroom website. I honestly meant to get it together last summer but I just ran out of time! I’m getting that fixed right now!

Today is the last day of school. It's a wrap! I can't believe I survived a year in intermediate with a split grade level, testing madness, beginning common core and switching to a new grade book.

she / her / ella

alexis porter

I’m a cuban and puerto rican, living in Seattle, Washington with my husband and pup. I absolutely love working with fellow solopreneurs and online business owners who want their websites to stand out and shine online. ✨

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