One of my best friends and I decided to hold a chopped night. We both love cooking and thought the friendly competition would be fun! My boyfriend Jonathan and friend Jaime were our judges for the event and also the ones who selected all the secret ingredients. We also had the time constraints like on the show but of course we gave our self a few extra minutes… I mean we aren’t professionals! 😉 Boy, let me tell you there were some interesting things in our baskets…
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Appetizer Round Ingredients
Egg roll wrappers, Maple Syrup, Vienna Sausage and Watercress
I made a play on a spring roll with a thai peanut butter sauce and Jimmy made a traditional egg roll with a salad and if I can remember correctly a orange vinaigrette. We both tied this round!
Entree Round Ingredients
Pigs feet (WTH…………….I’m still upset over this!!), Bok Choy, M&Ms and Sweet Potatoes.
Let me tell you that I was at a loss the whole time… like a complete loss. I ended up calling my entree a hot mess because that’s what it looked like (No photo evidence). I thought it tasted okay but still basically threw everything into a pot and prayed for the best. My friend made a thai curry soup that was delicious and spicy! He obviously won this round!
Dessert Round Ingredients
Soy Sauce, Lychee, Maple Bacon Bars and Raw Sugar.
I have to begin by telling you that I was the most nervous about the dessert round. Granted, I love to bake and LOVE desserts but baking is a whole other ballgame. And without any recipes, I was worried to begin with. So with that, I did what I know and what I like… Lychee & Banana ice cream, Maple Bacon Caramel and Doughnut crumble. Jimmy made Lychee and Banana Bread (Funny how we both chose banana to accent the lychee!) with whipp cream and toasted coconut. By some miracle, I won the last round! Everyone said they would buy my ice cream at the store if they could! Wow!
After all the cleaning up and scoring happen, we went through the score card I created with Jonathan and Jaime. They tallied all the rounds and I ended up 3 points ahead to steal the win! I was beyond excited and surprised at how close the score ended up!
I thought I would share the score guide that I made for our night! If you love to cook or even eat, try chopped out! Click image above for the your freebie!! See you next time!
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