With the summer countdown continuing {I start the 3rd of September}, I’ve been working really hard on getting my classroom together and ready for my new students! It’s been a busy few weeks but I’m really excited to share my classroom now that it’s all ready for my future kiddos! I’m so excited to continue […]
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I’ve been busy camping and spending time with my friends and family, everything a teacher on summer should be doing, right?? Oh and I also spent a little bit of time in my classroom. I’m one of those {crazy} people who LOVE to get everything done before we have to go back for our meetings […]
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That is the question of the hour! I have been INSANELY busy since I got back from my wonderful (and much needed) vacation/camping trip. We all had a fantastic time out there. The lake was beautiful and I enjoyed the peaceful relaxing time with my family! I also spend some extra time driving back and […]
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I wanted to share some photos of my classroom (Sorry for the quality, I was using my phone and in a rush). I’m so thankful to everyone who has helped me get here, especially my mom, dad and my best friend Marty! These are from last week when I was literally walking out the door, […]
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Happy Thursday everyone! I wanted to share a “how to” on the crate seats I made in my classroom last week. I know that this isn’t a new idea (thank you, Pinterest!) but I never could find a good set of directions and measurements for how to create them. Need extra storage in your class? […]
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I have been inspired by a lot of people that have blogs out there. Teaching blogs, cooking blogs, fashion blogs and of course, Pinterest! . . . I thought why not give it a try (I had this thought about a year ago ;]). I kept putting it off and off until finally, the summer […]
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