As the gloomy winter weather retreats and flowers begin to bloom, it’s normal to feel pulled into spring cleaning. The fresh and vibrant nature of spring makes you feel new again (and like you can finally crawl out from under your heated blanket). Your home isn’t the only spot craving a spring clean, though. Completing […]
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There’s a good chance you’re knee-deep in ecommerce research, and you’ve heard about a ton of different platforms: Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix, and Square. Personally, I’m a big WooCommerce fan, and I recommend it to all of my clients. But what is WooCommerce? And how does it compare to other ecommerce platforms out there? I want […]
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Whether you’ve committed to creating an ecommerce shop or you’re scoping out your options, choosing the right ecommerce platform is a big step. Every platform does the same job (help you sell resources on your website), but the user experience and cost of each can vary wildly. To help you make the right choice, I’m […]
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It’s everyone’s favorite topic: search engine optimization. 😆 You know you need it, but actually implementing SEO on your website feels like learning a foreign language. Not surprisingly, a lot of my clients are disappointed when they learn that SEO is also a part of creating their WooCommerce shop. Luckily, product SEO isn’t as complicated […]
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At the start of a new year, everyone rushes to put together their New Year’s goals. Personally, I’m a big fan of setting business goals. They help me stay on track and march towards a better version of my business. But, when done incorrectly, they can also hold you back. This blog post includes affiliate […]
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Most people don’t realize exactly what it takes to run a business. It’s more than posting on social media or booking projects. It’s writing endless amounts of copy and trying to finagle your calendar, so you can actually take the weekend off. 😅 When AI came into the picture, I was curious about how it […]
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