My iPad is probably my best friend in the classroom. But seriously, it is. I use my iPads almost every day and love all the apps I find on them! I’m sharing all the teacher apps that I LOVE! I’m such a techy that I have so many thing I can share about iPads and how I use them in my classroom.

Need some app inspiration? Pin it to save!
I have two iPads, one given to me from my district for classroom use and the other is my personal iPad. I use both every single day in the classroom and they are essential tools to my classroom.
My School iPad
Here is a screenshot of my iPad where I have some teacher friendly apps. Don’t mind all the TV and social media apps, a teacher has to let loose sometimes! š Most of the apps I use are little to no money {Minus my favorite app, Confer! But it’s totally worth it, read about it
here!} I use most of these everyday in my classroom, mostly in small groups to take notes or within a group to display a strategy.
Going from left to right from my screenshot, here are the apps I use: {App is Free, subscription to service is $12 a year} – I just started using this app/service last year. I was sick of writing handwritten lesson plans and wanted something that I could use on both my computer and my iPad.
Planbook is perfect for that!
Classdojo {Free} – I use this app for taking attendance and giving points while I’m in small group! I LOVE
Class Dojo!!
Google Drive {Free} – Google Drive is a lifesaver! No more need for flash drives. I save stuff from school and can instantly access it on my home computer. I can also upload things from my iPad to use on my computer.
Reminders {Free, already on iPad} – I use this as my to do list. You can easily set reminders/timers which keeps everything in order!
Google Sheets {Free} – When I’m collecting my reading and math data, I store everything on my Sheets app. I can easily change it as a student is reading to me on my iPad and it automatically updates!
Good Notes {$5.99} – One of my favorite apps! You can see it pictured above on the left bottom side. I use this during assessment times when I need to read with a student. Instead of making millions of copies of the packets, I use my stylus and my iPad to take my reading records. I can save them as a PDF and store them in my student files. You can also create different folders within this app to organize all your essentials.
Educreations {Free} – I love this app within small math group! I can prop my iPad up and use my finger or stylus to practice with my students the concepts. This app is completely free, that’s the best part! I have display this under my document camera before too. You can even work ahead and create a video through the app if you want to just set it and play through a concept.
Confer {$14.99} – One of my all time favorite apps for taking anecdotal notes. I use this app EVERY DAY in my small groups. Check out my my previous post on this app for
how I use it step by step in my classroom.
Apple Timer {Free} – I always seem to forget the time when I’m working with a group. It’s important for us to stay on schedule so we honor our student’s times as well. I found this app and turn it on at the beginning of my groups. Because I’m usually on the Confer app taking notes while I work 1:1, the timer continues to go and will give you remainders as each minute passes. That is great so I don’t have to keep going back to the app to check on my time and I’m not startled when the alarm goes off!
Splashtop {Free} – This one I discovered while I was observing another teacher in her classroom. This basically turns your iPad into a mini computer, displaying your computer screen on the device. I’ve used this in my classroom while having the projector on and having students write notes on a power point from where they sit at the carpet!
Commore Core {Free} – Need to take a peek at Common Core standards quickly? This is the app for you!
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