We all know, everyone and their mom has seen, heard and sung along to Frozen. When looking for a fun winter project to do with my kiddos, I thought why not the oh so adorable OLAF! This is a full proof direct drawing of Olaf alongside some watercoloring fun. You and your students are going to love this!
I begin researching online and stumbled across this AMAZING website called Art For Kids Hub. Not only did they have step by step picture for drawing Olaf, they also had a video that my kiddos could watch too! This website even has a printable direct drawing instructions for your kiddos who may have been absent. We will definitely be visiting this website again soon, my kiddos noticed a lot of fun characters from the shows they watch at home. Hmmm, I’m thinking a future reward??
After their drawings are done, you want them to outline all of pencil lines with a black crayon. They want to make sure they fill in with black, his eye balls, eyebrows and buttons. Once they are finished with the black, they will be going over all of Olaf’s white parts with a white crayon. This will make it WAY easier to paint the background because of the wax resistance.
Finally, they will begin painting! I showed my kids a few tips to water color because they were nervous with their drawing. The wetter the brush, the lighter the color and how to put paint on a spread it with water to create a ombre effect.
I’d say these are worth melting for! :]
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