With back to school in full swing (Washington kiddos just went back to school last week), all the teachers I know are running around trying to find the best way to use their time, get to know your new class, and get some academics in. My back to school writing crafts are the perfect way to introduce a little fun project while getting them started on writing in your classroom! Kids love to put together the pieces to these writing crafts and create any type of story/informational piece within the seamless book! With all this in mind, I’ve put together some resources in action alongside a few back to school writing prompts perfect for your class!
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As you begin your first couple of weeks (or month for some of you all!), I know it’s a hard transition from summer brain to focusing within the classroom. My writing crafts give your kiddos the flexibility to create an art piece that can be pieced together in a seamless book and get started writing right away about any type of subject. All of my writing crafts come with multiple lined paper types so you can really take this craft to any grade level or writer’s abilities.
This is a big one! It’s the first few weeks into the school year and you really want to check in with your students. Try having them write and maybe even compare their first day feelings with their feelings at the end of the week or first month of school. You would be surprised at much information you’ll get from your students with this simple writing prompt! If you really want to interact with them, have them write about their feelings using my Emoji Writing Craft set and have them choose the face that best resembles their feelings! You can read more about using these Emoji Crafts throughout your classroom here.
My first thing I always did at the beginning of the year is do some sample writing so I could not only see their handwriting up first and foremost, but also to see their style of voice, capitalization, and spelling patterns. The pencil would be a perfect place for them to free write!
Another great insight to what your kids love about school? If you give them choice on what craft to use, you could take a tally with them and turn that into a math problem session as well!
The apple is perfect for any teacher question you want to throw at them. This would also be great for you to see what the need in a teacher this year. Keep them close and whenever you are feeling a certain type of way or having a bad day, peek at their apple writing for a quick pick me up!
Using the crayon craft, have your students come up with ideas on team building activities, or ideas on how to build each other up within the classroom. They can quickly jot down some ideas to get the pack together and working collaboratively within your class!
So, how do you celebrate back to school in your classroom? What writing prompts do you use each year to kick start writing in your classroom? I’m curious to know more about your classroom! If you found this useful and want to share with your other teacher friends, pin the image above! And if you’re in need of more back to school inspiration, make sure to check out my pinterest board full of ideas perfect for this time of the year!
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